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Sun Corridor Inc. Wins Two AAED Golden Prospector Awards For Economic Development

FLAGSTAFF and TUCSON, Ariz., November 2, 2018 – Sun Corridor Inc. has won two Golden Prospector Awards from the Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED), recognizing excellence, innovation and creativity in economic development.

Sun Corridor Inc.’s Deal of the Year, “Hexagon Mining HQ Retention and Expansion” and its special event, “Site Selectors Guild Tucson Advisory Forum” each received top honors.

The Deal of the Year award recognizes the locations and economic development agencies that attracted or developed the highest-impact projects.

The special event category honors a meeting, seminar, marketing tour, event or trip designed to develop prospects and promote economic development.

“We’re thrilled to be recognized for our hard work selling and marketing the assets of Tucson and Southern Arizona,” said Joe Snell, president & CEO, Sun Corridor Inc. “These projects will benefit our community and its brand for many years.”

“The Golden Prospector Awards were established by AAED to encourage and recognize excellence in economic development,” said Joyce Grossman, AAED’s executive director.  “The year’s winners truly demonstrate how effective they are in their respective communities.”

About Sun Corridor Inc.
Sun Corridor Inc.’s role is to coordinate all economic development activities and programs within the Southern Arizona megaregion under one umbrella.  The focus of the organization is to facilitate primary (non-retail) job and investment growth in the region.  Our work also includes creating a competitive environment that allows primary employers to flourish and succeed. For more information, visit or on Twitter:@suncorridorinc.

About AAED
AAED, founded in 1974, has a mission to serve as Arizona’s unified voice advocating for responsible economic development through an effective program of professional education, public policy and collaboration.  For more information, visit or call (602) 240-2233.

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