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See the full version of the Pivot Playbook video here. Share your thoughts on the region’s COVID-19 recovery using #TucsonPivotPlaybook
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Learn more about The Pivot Playbook, the region’s new economic recovery plan with specific strategies and actions in five focus areas to ensure that Southern Arizona is poised for a strong recovery.

Download the Pivot Playbook

Download the Pivot Playbook Summary of Recommendations

the pivot playbook - summary of recommendations


  • Capitalize on Targeted Industries to Benefit the Region 
  • Aggressively Market and Brand Tucson & Southern Arizona 
  • Increase Inventory of Large Industrial Land Parcels and Industrial Facilities
  • Prioritize Roads and Infrastructure
  • Develop Incentives That Match the Post-Pandemic Landscape


  • Leverage Current Trend Toward Moving to Mid-sized Markets Such as Tucson
  • Develop an On-line Talent Portal –
  • Demonstrate Tucson’s Strengths for Young Professionals
  • Create Business/Community Support for Dual Career Families


  • Support the Establishment of a Southern Arizona Technology and Innovation Workforce Development Fund
  • Prioritize and Scale Up Micro-Pathways
  • Expand CTE Dual Credit Enrollment Cap to Increase Early College Participation
  • Increase Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Opportunities
  • Expand IET Models in Adult Education
  • Design for Industry 4.0


  • Further Identify Shovel-Ready Sites
  • Evaluate Gaps and Determine What Investments Are Needed
  • Strategically Marketing Shovel-Ready Sites


  • Help Tourism Industry Businesses
  • Invest in Quality-of-Life Initiatives
  • Support Funding for Tourism Marketing, Promotion and Sales
  • Vaccinate U.S. Residents as Quickly as Possible
  • Support Opening the U.S. Borders with Mexico and Canada
  • Assist Tucson Airport Authority by Flying TUS

the pivot playbook - steering committee


Steve Eggen
Aerospace Consultant
Former CFO, Raytheon Missile Systems

Company Recruitment

Joe Snell
President & CEO, Sun Corridor Inc.

talent recruitment & retention

Alex Horvath
Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer, TMC HealthCare

Workforce Development & Training

Lee Lambert
Chancellor & CEO, Pima Community College

shovel ready & real estate offerings

Chuck Huckelberry
Administrator, Pima County

Tourism Recovery

Brent DeRaad
President & CEO, Visit Tucson

Sharon Bronson
Michael Crow
Ali Farhang
Susan Gray
Bill Kelley
Adriana Kong Romero
Wesley D. Kremer
Lisa Lovallo
Ted Maxwell
Fletcher McCusker
Ian McDowell
Dennis Minano
Omar Mireles
Mark Mistler
Judy Rich
Dr. Robert C. Robbins
Bill Rodewald
Mayor Regina Romero
David Smallhouse

Chair, Pima County Board of Supervisors
President, Arizona State University
Partner and Founder, Farhang & Medcoff Attorneys
President & CEO, Tucson Electric Power
Chief Financial Officer, Diamond Ventures
President, Bank of America Tucson
Vice President, Raytheon Technologies, President, Raytheon Missiles & Defense
Market Vice President, Southern Arizona, Cox Communications
President, Southern Arizona Leadership Council
Chairman, Rio Nuevo Board
Vice President and Tucson Regional Director, Building Group, Sundt Construction
General Motors Corp. (ret)
President, HSL Properties Inc.
CEO, Tucson & Southern Arizona, BBVA
President & CEO, TMC HealthCare
President, University of Arizona
Senior Vice President, Regional Manager, Harsch Investment Properties
City of Tucson
Managing Director, Miramar Ventures

Cynthia Garcia
Lori Garmus
Tina M. Ice
Tom Longstreth
Marji Morris
Jennifer Preston
Amber Smith
James Tofel
Dr. Mark P. Vitale
Jim Zarling

Vice President of Energy Delivery, Tucson Electric Power
Executive Director, Human Resources, Raytheon Missiles & Defense
Director, Business Partner/ People and Culture (HR), Roche Molecular Solutions
Director, Integrated Workforce Strategies, Roche Molecular Solutions
Talent Acquisition and Workforce Development Program Manager, Tucson Electric Power
Lead Human Resources Manager, Resource Industries Sales, Services and Technology, Caterpillar Inc.
President & CEO, Metro Tucson Chamber of Commerce
Managing Member of Development, Tofel Dent Construction
Campus and Academic Director, University of Phoenix
Founder & CEO, Excel Mechanical Inc.

“The Pivot Playbook is an unprecedented effort for an unprecedented time.  With every difficult time comes opportunity, and with this action plan Southern Arizona has an opportunity that can change our community for the better for years to come.” 

Wesley D. Kremer
President, Raytheon Missiles and Defense

“We all have a shared responsibility for creating an economically vibrant region.  SALC looks forward to playing a significant role in advocating for the initiatives in this plan and helping to make them a reality.”

Ted Maxwell
President, Southern Arizona Leadership Council

“Building back productivity in a post-pandemic environment of intense global competition and accelerating innovation is a complex undertaking that demands focus and investment.  We must help our residents keep up with the skills required to capitalize on emerging technologies.”

Sharon Bronson
Chair, Pima County Board of Supervisors, District 3

“My vision is to be a city that – at all levels – supports and leverages small businesses, start-ups, accelerators and incubators to make Tucson a leader in creating green jobs, tech jobs, and the jobs of the future as we emerge from the pandemic.”

Mayor Regina Romero
City of Tucson

“Arizona State University is dedicated to advancing Arizona’s success and competitiveness by providing diverse pathways to a degree regardless of a learner’s geographic location. By broadening our presence in Tucson and collaborating to create new knowledge opportunities, we are demonstrating our commitment to the city’s future and simultaneously expanding our state’s critical talent pipeline, which includes ASU’s more than 25,000 engineering students and 60,000-plus STEM majors.”

Michael Crow
President, Arizona State University

“Our community came together in so many ways and on so many fronts – from a healthcare perspective, from a community perspective and from a business perspective – to put us in position to come out of this unprecedented time healthier and stronger economically than our peer communities.”

Judy Rich
President & CEO, TMC HealthCare

“We had a great foundation of success built prior to the pandemic. Now, the many rankings that suggest Tucson will be in a strong economic position post-COVID-19 are really playing out on the ground.  Interest is strong.  The future is very bright.”

Joe Snell
President & CEO, Sun Corridor Inc.

“The University of Arizona’s contributions to the state’s high-tech workforce are a point of pride. We attract incredibly talented students who work with world-class faculty, and they gain extensive experience in real-world applications of their knowledge.  This experience directly benefits local employers, right here in Southern Arizona.”

Dr. Robert C. Robbins
President, University of Arizona

“Tucson’s appeal is growing for people who are willing to exchange large-city amenities for safety, well-being, mental health and a sense of community that supports individual and family efforts to stay healthy.”

Alex Horvath
Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer, TMC HealthCare

“Southern Arizona’s economic recovery isn’t about returning to the status quo—it’s about building back equitably by developing a workforce ready to take on 21st century jobs and attracting top companies. Now, under the exceptional leadership of the Sun Corridor Inc. team and the expertise of the Steering Committee, we are confident that Tucson will come back stronger and more competitive.”

Adriana Kong Romero
President, Bank of America Tucson

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The Pivot Playbook on Buckmaster Show - Listen Now

8/18/2021: Judy Rich – Sun Corridor’s Success During COVID and Pivot Playbook
8/12/2021: Laura Shaw and Alex Horvath – Talent Recruitment & Retention
7/22/2021: Lee Lambert and Adriana Kong Romero – Building a Post-Pandemic Workforce
7/8/2021: Chuck Huckelberry & Brent DeRaad – Tucson's COVID Recovery Plan
6/24/2021: Joe Snell & Steve Eggen – Sun Corridor Inc.’s Post-Covid Economic Recovery Plan

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