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Distant Focus Corporation Relocates Headquarters to Tucson

Distant Focus Corporation Relocates Headquarters and Manufacturing to Tucson, Arizona

Distant Focus is an R&D manufacturing and engineering firm that specializes in optical and sensing technologies. They have relocated their headquarters to Tucson from Champaign, Illinois to take advantage of the region’s strengths in optical sciences, including the University of Arizona’s James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, the premier educational and research institution in optics and photonics worldwide. Distant Focus will hire 15 optical engineers, highly skilled technicians and machinists, as well as general production workers. Over the next five years Distant Focus’s economic impact will be over $27 million added to the regional economy.


Distant Focus Corporation was conceived in 1997 at the University of Illinois. Distant Focus is an R&D engineering firm that has specialized in optical and sensing technologies for more than a decade. The company designs and produces prototype cameras and advanced imaging platforms, as well as multi-sensor electronic circuit boards, microscopes, interferometric systems, fiber-optic solutions, and other advanced technologies.

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Business Address
Distant Focus Corporation
975 W Grant Road, Suite 151
Tucson, AZ 85705

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