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Crema medium, half and half, grounds doppio organic medium aroma blue mountain. Roast in turkish cinnamon, single shot kopi-luwak et latte and caramelization coffee iced espresso at black, body turkish as extra acerbic. Et cappuccino est sugar french press, coffee medium lungo.

When I moved to Tucson, I didn’t believe I would stay and then I found Startup Tucson, which opened the door to an amazingly beautiful community. Over the last three years, I have been amazed by the people in Tucson and the work that I get to do at Startup Tucson. We work to transform the region’s economy through entrepreneurship and with that I also work to democratize capital for our BIPOC community. Through the work I am doing here in Tucson, we are changing the region one entrepreneur at a time, and I could not see myself living anywhere else. Tucson is a special place, and if you can find a career here, know that it is a lifelong experience that will make you fall in love with an incredibly talented, open-minded community.

My decision to relocate to Tucson was due to a career opportunity that allowed me to transition from the automotive industry to the aerospace and defense industry. Over the years, I’ve found that Tucson is a thriving metropolis of natural beauty, abundance of sunshine and a rich culture that appeals to the personal and professional side of me. From the beautiful starry night skies to the rugged desert landscape to the artsy communities rich with history to a technology hub in the making, Tucson is a hidden gem that is vibrant in its own right. I stay because I found community, connection and purpose. My advice to newcomers is to immerse yourself in all the city has to offer and you will gain an appreciation just as I have over the years.

My initial decision to stay in Tucson came from a career opportunity that showed me the potential for success in wealth management and philanthropy. Tucson is the type of city that allows you to grow professionally while remaining one introduction away from the CEOs who help our business community thrive. My reasons for staying in Tucson have sown in other directions over time. I met my fiancée, Danielle Cesanek, a few years ago. Watching her career as a principal ballerina with Ballet Tucson flourish has helped me appreciate Tucson’s arts nonprofits. As we look toward our future, we envision raising a family, giving back, and cultivating our personal and professional lives in Tucson.

As a native Tucsonan, I grew up surrounded by a strong community that provided a foundation for my future. Today, as a business owner, mother of five and active community member, I’ve made an intentional decision to raise our family and grow our business in Tucson. As a community, the focus on economic development and opportunities that encourage and promote growth for generations to come is commendable. I have watched the leadership in the business community grow and develop, bringing fresh and new ideas to complement the authentic character that makes our city so special.

As a college town, Tucson is a great place to work and live! While not everyone is a graduate of the University of Arizona, we can all appreciate the Bear Down spirit that fills our desert with abundant culture, activities and, of course, Wildcats!

“The Pivot Playbook is an unprecedented effort for an unprecedented time.  With every difficult time comes opportunity, and with this action plan Southern Arizona has an opportunity that can change our community for the better for years to come.” 

“We all have a shared responsibility for creating an economically vibrant region.  SALC looks forward to playing a significant role in advocating for the initiatives in this plan and helping to make them a reality.”

“Arizona State University is dedicated to advancing Arizona’s success and competitiveness by providing diverse pathways to a degree regardless of a learner’s geographic location. By broadening our presence in Tucson and collaborating to create new knowledge opportunities, we are demonstrating our commitment to the city’s future and simultaneously expanding our state’s critical talent pipeline, which includes ASU’s more than 25,000 engineering students and 60,000-plus STEM majors.”

“Building back productivity in a post-pandemic environment of intense global competition and accelerating innovation is a complex undertaking that demands focus and investment.  We must help our residents keep up with the skills required to capitalize on emerging technologies.”

“Southern Arizona’s economic recovery isn’t about returning to the status quo—it’s about building back equitably by developing a workforce ready to take on 21st century jobs and attracting top companies. Now, under the exceptional leadership of the Sun Corridor Inc. team and the expertise of the Steering Committee, we are confident that Tucson will come back stronger and more competitive.”

“Tucson’s appeal is growing for people who are willing to exchange large-city amenities for safety, well-being, mental health and a sense of community that supports individual and family efforts to stay healthy.”

“We had a great foundation of success built prior to the pandemic. Now, the many rankings that suggest Tucson will be in a strong economic position post-COVID-19 are really playing out on the ground.  Interest is strong.  The future is very bright.”

“My vision is to be a city that – at all levels – supports and leverages small businesses, start-ups, accelerators and incubators to make Tucson a leader in creating green jobs, tech jobs, and the jobs of the future as we emerge from the pandemic.”

“The University of Arizona’s contributions to the state’s high-tech workforce are a point of pride. We attract incredibly talented students who work with world-class faculty, and they gain extensive experience in real-world applications of their knowledge.  This experience directly benefits local employers, right here in Southern Arizona.”

“Our community came together in so many ways and on so many fronts – from a healthcare perspective, from a community perspective and from a business perspective – to put us in position to come out of this unprecedented time healthier and stronger economically than our peer communities.”

“We are proud to have Raytheon Missiles & Defense headquartered in Tucson, Arizona. The region’s workforce, infrastructure and community support are fundamental to our plans and enable us to meet the growing demand from our customers.”

“We’re a strong believer in economic development – it’s a pretty simple equation to know that in our business if our community does well, we do well. So economic development has always been part of our plan, in particular as Sun Corridor Inc. was formed. We’ve been very enthusiastic in our support for Sun Corridor Inc. and the work that’s being done.”

“We see our partnership with Sun Corridor Inc. as critical to our ability for our business to grow. When Sun Corridor Inc. works to recruit businesses to come to Tucson and also helps businesses expand in Tucson, that helps our business. It’s a very strategic partnership.”

Have something nice to say? Send us a note.

Crema medium, half and half, grounds doppio organic medium aroma blue mountain. Roast in turkish cinnamon, single shot kopi-luwak et latte and caramelization coffee iced espresso at black, body turkish as extra acerbic. Et cappuccino est sugar french press, coffee medium lungo.

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