Facilitated the attraction/expansion of 173 companies as of 12/5/19 (view announcements here)
Total New Jobs Supported (direct and indirect): 50,989
Total Economic Impact: $29.5 billion
Launched the region’s Economic Blueprint, defining Southern Arizona’s economic vision to effectively position the Tucson region to capitalize on its best economic development opportunities in the coming decades. Sun Corridor Inc. involved nearly 6,000 people/organizations in development of the Blueprint, representing the broadest possible range of community interests – public, private, and non profit. The Blueprint serves as our strategy and guide for our work plan year to year. The Blueprint was expanded to include an Entrepreneurial Economy version in 2012 and the Blueprint Update was published in 2014.
In 2018, Sun Corridor Inc. and the Tucson Airport Authority joined together in a partnership to advance commercial development around the Tucson International Airport. This three-year partnership is already off to a strong start, but more analysis was needed to develop a series of strategies that can dramatically transform the airport. The purpose of the 2019 TUS Blueprint is to establish a new vision for commercial development of both Tucson airports (Tucson International and Ryan Airfield), incorporating major stakeholder input for asset mapping, gap analysis and new growth strategies/tactics. This effort was guided by a high-level Steering Committee of nearly 20 community leaders and influential organizations. An online survey and meetings with over 100 employers also generated valuable feedback and was incorporated into the TUS Blueprint.
Serves as the region’s primary marketing agency for business development, annually conducting a National Marketing/PR Campaign resulting in significant exposure of Southern Arizona as a business center. More than 1,600 articles have appeared in print and online via local, regional, national business and industry publications on Southern Arizona’s regional economic development efforts. As of 3/19/20, total impressions/circulation of coverage generated from PR efforts is over 235 million.
Built key relationships with 2,500 Site Selectors and corporate real estate personnel, Sun Corridor Inc.’s main client base, via the 2017 Site Selectors Guild Conference, 2018 Advisory Forum, Annual Roadshows, web marketing, newsletters, site visits, trade shows and direct mail.
Plays a key influencer role in economic development policy-making.
Expanded Foreign Trade Zone program, including new sites in Pinal County.
Based on sound industry-specific studies such as the Aerospace & Defense Cluster Development Strategy, the Diagnostics Strategy and the Bioscience Perception Study, developed new approaches to capitalize on the region’s strong assets in key growth areas.
Played a key role in advocating for Pima County’s acquisition of adequate land around Raytheon Missile Systems to provide a buffer for its testing operations. In 2016, Raytheon announced an expansion of 2,000 jobs in Southern Arizona.