Joshua Rubin
Greater Nogales and Santa Cruz County Port Authority
Joshua Rubin is the Vice President of Business Development at Javid LLC, a shelter company that helps manufactures diversify their global supply chain operations. He was a Commissioned Officer in the US Army, serving over 12 years with 1 deployment in direct support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2015-2016. Joshua received a Bachelor of Science in Cultural Anthropology from Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, CA, and a minor in Military Science from Cal-State University Fullerton, CA.
Josh is the Chairman of the Greater Nogales and Santa Cruz County Port Authority, founded in December 2004 to bring together key stakeholders from the area to address improving Arizona’s largest port facilities, streamlining the crossing process at the Nogales ports of entry and enhancing economic development in the Nogales-Santa Cruz County region. He also sits on the Executive Board of INDEX Nogales – Manufacturing Association in Mexico where he leads the scholarship program, Board member in the Nogales-Santa Cruz County Economic Development Foundation.